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Thread: [WIP] Empire of Humankind Companion Book

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    Default [WIP] Empire of Humankind Companion Book

    I have invented a new method of suicide. It's called Suicide by Workload. This is my proof-of-concept...

    Okay, so, my original intention with my space chart map was to put little template boxes with relevant information next to each planet . But as my ambitions grew, along with the complexity of my map, I could see that wasn't going to be an option. So I decided to put all that text into a separate document, with an entry for every one of the featured planets.
    In similar fashion, the scope of this reference book expanded, after I realized that if I wanted to keep the details on each planet coherent, I'd have to place them in a pervasive universe. So, I now intend to make a companion book to go along with the map, with a fairly fleshed-out history of humankind, a detailed entry for every planet, and an insane amount of other hopefully interesting stuff.

    As you can see by the (relative) lack of content, this is a work in progress (which it will probably stay forever), so I've only got about a third of the background story down, only a couple of planets detailed and some legend explained. More will hopefully come in the near future.

    What I'd like people to do, if they are so inclined, is tell me if this is at all worth reading or if its just absolute drivel , as I will be more than happy to put this puppy out of its misery before it grows too big to handle, and also to point out any spelling mistakes, syntax errors and/or long-winded, barely readable sentence atrocities (which are a favorite of mine) that I might have committed. <- This being an example of one such.

    Alright, I'm gonna go to bed now. Here it is:
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