I'm still kind of new to Cartographers' Guild. I've been posting on the Tutorials forum, but figured I might get more rep for those if people could actually see what I'm working on!

So...I'm running my first D&D game (as DM, I've been playing for...a really long time), and for the setting I decided to develop these old maps I made in high school (over 20 years ago). I have been trying to learn how to use Fractal Mapper, so I'm starting the remake in FM7. I'm also learning how to use GIMP, so eventually I might do the maps in two different styles. Here is the original continent map:
The original name for the continent was Demetae; I've decided to change it to Demetia. Here is a pass at redoing the continent (this is just the outline so far):

I've just started learning how to use this program so it's been a kind of frustrating process, since I'm not starting from scratch really, I'm trying to recreate something very specific. Some friends showed me how to use an existing image file as a background, so that's what I did to create the outline above. The only problem is, the background doesn't get saved with the file. I don't understand that, maybe I'm doing something wrong. The other problem with the outline above is that I used a combination of free-hand lines and fractally generated lines. So the program doesn't see it as one complete object, meaning that I can't do a color fill on it. I'm probably going to have to do it over with either one method or the other, so it all connects up.

In addition to the continental map, I'm also reworking a regional map that's a small area of this continent. Here is the original:
Here is a sample of what I'm trying to do in Fractal Mapper 7 (I actually put these together as layers in GIMP; I don't know how to use layers in FM7 yet):

My efforts are pretty minimal yet at this point, as I'm still learning the program. I will post further progress as I continue.