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Thread: June Entry: The Tower at Charm

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    Map June Entry: The Tower at Charm

    In an effort to get my creative juices flowing again so I can finish my current consignment piece I figured I'd give this month's challenge a shot.

    I'm a big fan of the Black Company series by Glen Cook and near the end of the first book the Black Company takes part in the defense of the Imperial Capital - The Tower of Charm. This is the largest battle in the history of the empire.

    The Tower itself is described as an approximately 500' Cube of dark stone. Little other information is given on it other than there are 'battlements' at the top and that it was built around a smaller 'tower' that takes up approx one third of the space inside.

    From the book...

    At the time of the Tower's construction huge basalt billets had been imported. Shaped on site, they had been stacked and fused into this gigantic cube of stone. The waste, chips, blocks broken during shaping, billets found unsuitable, and overage, had been left scattered around the Tower in a vast jumble more effective than any moat. It extended a mile.

    In the north, though, a depressed piece-of-pie section remained unlittered. This constituted the only approach to the Tower on the ground...
    I'm mostly concentrating on the Imperial forces and defenses as the rebels are just way to numerous to try and include. Eventually I will add unit markers for the defenders and possibly the more notorious persona's.

    Still a bunch to do on this. But the basics are more or less in place.

    As always, C&C welcome and encouraged.

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