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Thread: The Ascention's Photoshop Town Tutorial V2

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  1. #1

    Tutorial The Ascention's Photoshop Town Tutorial V2

    I have another thread going following my attempts to make a city using the original text-only tutorial The Ascention wrote detailing his method of creating towns using Photoshop. I got pretty far into it when I realized I had made a couple huge mistakes. That's ok, I will eventually complete it, and it will serve as an excellent guide on what NOT to do, and also show how to correct some of the errors I made.

    I decided to instead focus my efforts on implementing the tutorial exactly as written and simply dropping screenshots into the original word document. Ultimately to be converted to a PDF. As I got going, I also did some reformatting and broke down some of the more complex steps. I have made considerable progress, and I thought now would be a good time to get the initial version out there and start getting comments. It is HUGE, since most steps take up entire page so I could show as much detail as possible.


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