This was created for Open Design for their Pathfinder supplement Sunken Empires. I was asked to create a city in two halves - one above the sea and one below - built on top of the ruins of an ancient city that had been sunken beneath the waves and recently re-appeared. Nothing like a challenge

The original city was vastly technologically superior and huge so the current city only needed to occupy some fraction of the ruins. The ancients used concepts of the golden ratio in their work and liked spirals. From that (and a very comprehensive art brief) I created the original city layout:

Once that was done, I wrecked the city and detailed the city in black and white (the original art brief) which ended up looking like this:

The guys at OD decided that they'd like to have it in colour too, so a little more work resulted in the map at the top of the post. I did a short Q&A on the development of the map over on the KQ website. You can find that here.

Now Tilt is really going to have a go at me about my water obsession...

This is commercial work so it is rights reserved.