Well I ditched the old, slighty modified compass and replaced it with one that was hand drawn. The heron design is copied from the "official" heronmark swords available on the internet, and the dragons were copied from a tatoo design, but in each case I took the time to imitate them by hand. For the dragon, I actually used the pen tool and then created the curves individually, resulting in a different, and I think smoother design. The Aes Sedai symbol was free-handed and I think it shows, and the spear was simple enough to create using basic geometry and a little Photoshop magic. I like how it turned out well enough.

Also flipped the Tar Valon marker horizontally, although I had to go back to the original to make the change because of the shading. The flame is on the right, fang is on the left in keeping with the watermark.

### Latest WIP ###
Wheel of Time 3.jpg