My first map made with City Designer 3, with some finalizing touches in Photoshop.

Map will be used in my ongoing RPG campaign set in a world very much like the world pictured in Warhammer fantasy roleplaying game.
The players have just finished part 1 where they "stumble upon" the greatest barbarian uprising in history while investigating the disappearance of a missing Bailiff in a small hamlet north of Udenford.

The City of Udenford, home for about 2000 brave souls in the very north of the Kingdom of Rolden. The only city north of Udenford is the great fortress of Yondergalt.
Udenford, the surrounding area and it's twin city Einstburg is governed by the harsh but noble Sir Bertram, an aging man faced with the greatest threat in the Kingdoms history.
The great northern fortress of Yondergalt has fallen to the barbarian hordes of the north, never in history has there been an upraising as big as this. Now, Sir Bertram and his loyal servants (the players) face an army of over 10000 barbarian warriors, what is strange is that behind the barbarian warriors whole families follow, seemingly fleeing their northern lands. Even stranger still is the plague that ravages among the barbarians, twisting their bodies and making them kill everything in sight, including their own.
Will Sir Bertram's trusty Bailiff Otto Dauber, and his assigned guard, the former militiaman Mandred Axelbrand, have any hope of surviving until help arrives from King Dekmar II in the south? Only their precious time will tell.
