I like this version better. The jade statue is a bit of an issue - it's in a very different style to the rest - almost photo-real. It has a white outline on it too that needs to be removed - at the moment it looks like it's been badly cropped and that hurts the overall look. Perhaps give it a drop shadow as well to connect it to the cover a little? I like the use of an overall gradient glow on the background to add interest - but at the moment it's highlighting Acacia Games rather than the title. I'd change the glow to the title to bring the viewer's eye in.

The text looks good, and read better now. It works at the thumbnail size - which is important for use on Drivethru RPG and other online pdf sites. I'd move it down a little and give your name a bit more spacing to fill out some of the dead space on the bottom half. Also - perhas up the opacity of your stock art silhouettes on the cover - they're pretty cool, but I totally missed them the first time round.