
wanted to post something but no 'maps' as such. but I do have this is stuff for a project I've been doing - thought you migh like to see.

a couple of habitable planets for backplate tests. I'll probably do something else for a skycube Im going to need to create for a UDK environment I'm currently working on ( environment is on a spacestation so need something to see out the windows). I hope to post the result here when it's done, but probably a month or two away.

The above images are done using a mixture of sourced maps (well baiscally red mars and the cloud layer) FTpro, PS, and rendered out in 3Ds Max. Oringal renders are at 3000x1281 and orignal map sizes are 4096x2048 for terraformed mars and 8192x4096 for the earth-like and cloud maps. Fractal Terrians used for the earth-like terrian generation. The Mars map was taken from one of the links below and I created the terra version from that in PS. Getting a hi enough res for the cloud layer tooks a while to find.

they are pretty simpily done. 2 spheres, one for terrian, with bump and specular maps and the edge glow effect in the material, and one for th clouds so I could render out drop shadows, also means you can spin it about for another render and a different look. They could be taken further really, I jut did enough for what I needed - I photoshoped in the atmospheres for the final art - but you can do it in Max. the final art has starfields and nebulas too which was all photoshoped (can't show it yet though unfortunatley)

Here are some links I found useful if anyone else was wanting to have a go as it took a while for me to find the right souce material ( I did have some other links but cant find them atm).

http://celestia.h-schmidt.net/earth-vt/ ( great hi res cloud maps)
http://xplanet.sourceforge.net/clouds.php ( this is handy - real time cloud map data, udated every 3hours. not hugely hi res, but at 4096, could help out )

some others I found which haven't used, but found interesting in my searches...

thanks for looking
