Well, time for another update?
I've done most of the "slummy" area now, it has some more interesting buidings dotted around in it, but due to the cramped street layout, there isn't alot of space to put people in there. However, I snuck in a "mugging".
Anyway, I've posted this one so that it shows some of the stages/methods I've worked out (during this whole thing!) to try and keep the isographics correct. It involves using a line tool and a fixed "floor" height marker. The source height marker I copy is up by the scale ruler. To make it genuinely hand drawn (or pad drawn, I suppose) I go over all the 1 pix straight lines with my 2 pix "brush". I do allow wandering off the guide line quite often. I don't want it to be geometrically perfect or anything.
'nuff said I guess.
The new BIG building - the Prune Guild - has 2 spare podiums for statues ontop of the facade. At the moment there's a central Prune (at the top) and a male and female figure each side "adoring" the Prune. Anyone want to suggest some statues for the last two positions????
