Hello all, stumbled upon this site after looking for some map generating stuff through google. I found a forum thread where someone was asking for good software and another replied with "Download GIMP, and join the cartographersguild.com." So that's what I did! Excited to get into mapping. I used to draw tons of maps way back in the day when I was obsessed with D&D. I wasn't incredibly artistic, but had fun.

I joined a few days ago and have already been hard at work following tutorials. I created a work along map to the Fantasy Cartography with Adobe Photoshop series on youtube that I'm happy with. But I would like to thank this community for all the help figuring out GIMP equivalents. These forums are quite an asset for a beginner!

I think the next map I try I will make a WIP thread so I can ask questions and receive advice during the whole process, since I am quite a noob with GIMP.

FCAP tutorial.jpg