
I'm looking to spruce up my cave dungeon map a lot using GIMP, but still keep it pretty simple. I like plain, but it's a bit too plain right now.

  1. I'd like to add cliff-like drop-off abyss pits here and there where it starts off with a jagged edge and fades into darkness. Strangely, I couldn't find a good example using Google image search, but they're commonplace.
  2. I'd like some of my tunnels to descend into water, but I can't get that to look right at all. One of the troubles I'm having is that any amount of blue looks way out of place. I'd like the water to be very dark and murky, almost opaque, but glass-top shiny.
  3. How should I add shadows to stairs and around the base of the walls like I see in so many dungeon maps?
  4. I'd like to maybe make some camp fires with a warm glow illuminating the room and spilling out into the tunnels.

Thanks so much for the help!
