The old cartographer sneezed loudly upsetting a pile of papers on his cluttered desk. "By the gods." he grumbled. "I'll have that young fools head for not dusting this office" His grumbling continued as he shuffled over to look out his window. The vista was magically generated and showed a large expanse of land next to the ocean. He knew his King wished a map made of this area as precursor to a scouting expedition. The magic viewing window would help immensely but it would still be his fingers and his skill that would create the drawing. Contrary to the belief of his young apprentice he was NOT completely worthless just yet.....

Obviously I have some time on my hands lately and my writing "gene" has been re-fired it seems. I keep having these little blurbs pop into my head and I am trying to map them as they come. I have no idea what this is just yet so stay tuned... Oh and if you have any ideas feel free (please) to share..