Commander Carol Mayer had not been able to leave the survey station for hours. She was fascinated by this planet. Valkos they had named it. It was of course a ridiculous name spat out of a computer in a office somewhere back on Earth. She would have named it Atlantis or maybe Islandia or something like that. The scientist that still lived inside her had made some basic assumptions about this planet. At some time in the world's distant past a series of massive seismic events had literally shredded the land masses leaving them thin and spidery. The sheer amount of islands from great to tiny led her to believe that at least some of the activity that had shaped this world was volcanic. She was also fascinated by the color. Green several shades of green from dark to light. This indicated forests. Huge lush forests that no doubt attributed to the planets high oxygen count. It also rained on Valkos a lot. She imagined it to be almost jungle like. On her own planet Earth the continents had been nearly deforested and the precious rain-forests almost destroyed. She imagined in these conditions the trees would grow back very quickly. She found herself wanting to go for a walk under the dense canopy and feel the rain on her face. Had it been that long she wondered to herself? Snapping back to reality she heard the comm station beep and knew that unless she did something no one would ever walk under the trees on Valkos again....

This actually started out as a experiment in Wilbur which although I've had for quite a while I just recently started to use. As I was adding texture I had the idea to make it the "other" side of Valkos. Now none of the above is based on any real scientific data so don't beat me up about that.. The next step will probably be rivers but I'm going to need some help. Time to go read the tutorial..
As always feedback is requested and appreciated.. Thanks!!
Valkos Southern Hemisphere.jpg