Working on a new world for a D&D game, this map's in the early stages of it's development. and I'm going to shoot for a Tolkeinesque feel to it, so I'm sketching the symbols out by hand with a dip-pen and converting them into a digital medium.

I've been digging the tutorials here as well, I'm definately going to be going through some of them for inspiration!

I've got the shape of the landmass picked out, and some rivers. I'm not sure how many I want in the end, but It probably won't be much more than that.

I used clouds in photoshop, duplicated the layer, set to hard mix. On the bottom cloud layer, I used the burn and dodge tool to 'raise' and 'lower' the land (in a sense). I dodged a ways around the outside of the center of the canvas to island it off. Merged the layers, copied, and gave the new layer an inside stroke of 2 pixels.