The blood curdling scream that erupted from a few feet ahead of him froze Baril Gerean in his tracks. Obviously one of the arrogant band of humans had met, or was meeting a grizzly fate. Gerean knew he could do nothing for them but still trotted ahead against his better judgement. What he saw caused him to empty his stomach of their contents. A large plant of some sort was slowly eating the boastful human male. It was the color of blood and pulsed with each contraction of it's fanged mouth. Around it several other of its kind were also feeding on the other members of the human group. Gerean ran back to the tunnel entrance and composed himself. They had not made it more than a mile into these caverns and had already met their doom. It did not bode well for his personal survival....

Getting there now. The skeleton is a tracing of an object that I had (the original dragonqueen) The hoard is just a bunch of round brushes all stamped in a random pattern and then used as an overlay I hope the effect works.

January Febuary Challenge.jpg