I run a wiki for an RPG game I host on Myth-Weavers. It's pretty popular as we have several readers that don't even play in the game and we all have a good time with it

As such my focus is to run the game and tell a good story, as well as keep track of the massive in game world canonical data that goes into the wiki, so maps are a necessity, but my skills and time don't allow for the best maps in town.

I have some old maps done up in MS paint about seven years ago (attached below). I want a new geographic map redone similar to this style:

and a second map drafted for political borders. (transparent layers added in).

This is something I've been meaning to get to forever but my schedule never allows for the time and it's certainly more prudent to find someone that is better and faster at the job that will enjoy the task more than I would

The current maps are located here:
*to see them in the context of the wiki

I don't need text or fonts (I plan on adding in data with interactive paddles found on scribblemaps (unless someone knows of something better). I just someone to make the land look good and match the current form and to have North face the proper direction (rotate tool). The form doesn't need to be an EXACT match, (artistic leeway granted) but it does need to line up pretty close as I can't have the distance between two kingdoms go from 5000 miles to a 10000 miles in story, but really the only spot dealt with in game at present is the kingdom of Tormauz.

Also if the land masses were adjusted some to look more natural, that wouldn't be a problem as I do want the maps to look good.

I wanted them to be huge in size and in non-degraded format (BMP, AI, PNG, w/e) and I have the original .bmp's and they are attached.

I can't spend too entirely much money (tips for sure) on this as it's a home brew project for fun.

Also, if desired, I am also a web designer and musician and I can work in trade if one needed those kinds of services.

Points of note:
the black island is a wasteland of ash. There is possibly some hills and mountains, possible volcanic activity, but no vegetation or water.

The tiny island (L'Ordohnia) to the west of the black land mass is actually a floating city that was carved originally from the southern potion of the continent to the direct north of it and should line up as such proportion wise.

NORTH does not actually face up, please make it so (rotate tool) on the final version.

The World is actually about 23% LARGER than Earth, so this should be considered an "Artistic representation" map, not something drawn exactly to scale, as that undertaking would likely be a nightmare.

If you are super dedicated, the wiki is uber massive and has tons of in game data that could be mapped in, but this isn't really necessary and should be considered a large undertaking and largely secondary to getting a geographic map done.

Thanks much for considering this odd job!

Amabssador KLOK KAOS, A kLoKwErK kAoS,

L'Tiene, geography.bmpL'Tiene political map.bmpL'Tiene.bmp

PS: If anyone is an RPG world builder/writer that is considered a major perc, though not necessary for map creation. The wiki has several writers at present but I'm always on the look out for new and interesting ideas and fresh writing perspectives

Thanks all!