First of all, I'd like to say HI! to everyone, since this is my first post on this forum.
Now, I made this map a while ago, because I wanted to have some fairly accurate replica from the movie hanging on my wall (this is actually like third or fourth version of the map) and after series of trials and errors I made something like this. I tried to find a carpenter who would be willing to sacrifice some time for me and make me a wooden frame like we've seen in the movie, I was even willing to pay quite a lot of money, but everybody turned me down. I said to myself "OK, bite me, all of you. I can make it myself" and after a week or so it was finally finished and my map had a place to chill out. It was really great experience for me, I certainly learned a lot of things during the process and as a fan of handcrafted things I recommend to you to try and make something like that. I'd like to hear your opinion on the whole project and what I should improve in the future ones.


Thanks a lot!
Here's the rest of the photos:
And by the way, I'm not from english speaking country, so I apologize for my (sometimes?) bad english.