When I wrote this I thought I wouldn't work more at it, but then came RobA and his wonderful tutorial for quick mountains in Inkscape and changed everything. All hail RobA!

I traced the countours of the map and drew a few mountains "just for fun". Then I went ahead and added rivers and a helluva names. That's how it is now: quite simple, but good as basis for RPGing. It's all made with Inkscape.

The only planned improvements are a few more names (for mountain chains, for example) and maybe some reorganization of what's there now. It's always possible that I find a new thing to play with and make further changes, but they're not on the roadmap right now. I also might hurl it into the Gimp to see if I can make it a bit prettier, but don't bet on it just yet.

Critique and suggestions very welcome. Thanks in advance.
