
the shadow effect on the road probably is a bit much; I think I'll tone it down. The cemetery is actually the fenced in area north of town (area 39). The structures are mausoleums.

The town was originally built as a military base along a highway that was a major trading route. The wild elves from the Acacian woodlands used to raid caravans and thus the keep at Greenwall was built. The farmers and other citizens of the area naturally flocked to the protection of the fort and a town wall was built.
Since those times a treaty with the elves was signed and the need for military protection wanned. Thus as the town prospered from increased trading along the highway, the need for the standing army and wall evaporated.
Greenwall is now ruled by a bored baron who wishes for the glory days when his domain mattered militarily. He maintains his oversized keep and a standing army (one that's size and cost isn't justified), but the people have no need for the wall and it has crumbled in disrepair over the years being cannibalized for its stone. The crumbling moss-covered wall stands as a testament to an older age.