Thanks, everyone. I am mostly a traditional artist. An up-and-coming illustratour. I'm working on a majour project right now with a friend that will be sold via a gaming site. I'll keep you guys informed when it comes out. A product full of illustrations and maps by yours truly

I am going to take a gander, here, at more of the maps you guys have to offer. I just finished a big (personal) project for a home brewed campaign setting. I'll upload the map, here. One of my first photo shop maps. Just a quick thing to send to my gaming group to see if they are interested in gaming on this place

Thank you all for being so welcoming. I appreciate it. This is a wonderful community. My best friend actually informed me of your forum. We were going over some options and ideas for how to get connected (he's an illustratour, too, but I like the maps

Middle Sea Region Map - Colour.jpg).

