Trying to get a layout of the mountainous ranges, steep hills, karst rock pinnacles, and fields of Southern China. I'm trying to find sources for how to map it, and what I've found so far is somewhat cryptic. I know China and its provinces are really large, but I'm only looking to get the basic layouts of each province mapped in a sort of "North West is mountains, South West is steep hills" description.

I have a map I made with boundaries of provinces, and could use the aid of someone who understands topography/geography. Adding simple color or pattern based shapes to the map indicating the geography would be very helpful. What I've gathered from Wikipedia on the provincial geography is difficult for me to visualize and map. I don't need extreme details, even just text stating "Caves here" or "Karst field" would be greatly appreciated. Much of Southern China is mountainous, so describing the type of rock formation is important, like if it's steep crevices with high rock walls or open mounds of rock with a river running on the valley floor.

Isle of Stone.PNG

I could really use some help on minimizing the provinces to some basic features, and can send a larger map if that's necessary.