I found this tutorial by Torq to be intuitive to follow http://www.cartographersguild.com/sh...r-and-the-Gimp.

I tried it out with one main difference: instead of a ridged multi-fractal while in Wilbur, I instead picked a Hetero Terrain. The rest I went by the book.
I suppose the Erosion phase cut a little high in my highlands, leaving erosion channels up near the top. That's one thing I'd like to do a bit differently.

Also, I tried to go with the darker blue outline around the water as shown in the tutorial example, but in my case it seems to have given me a "couldn't quite color within the lines" appearance. That's actually apt, in my case. I dunno... maybe I could add a marsh layer?

With that said, here's my first digital region image, hopefully to become more of a map.
