Sorry to be out of it again. I've been busy at work and haven't had much time for cartography until recently. I'm into a new campaign and have a new use for the modules posted previously - a modular space transport.

CSA Patrol Craft.jpg
From top to bottom: The bridge, gun positions (on each flank), captain's quarters (green floor), refreshers (brown floor), crew common area (red floor), airlock, crew's quarters (green floor), three modular areas, top turret access (circular room), brig (with red bar to indicate locked door), engineer's quarters (white floor), and engineering, gray floor. I haven't put the "furniture" in the rooms yet, but given my current cartography pace I thought it would be more useful empty than not at all.

Also, I have some additional modules to go in the ship (or in the modular base, or in a starship, or whatever). If I've done my math correctly, they should all fit together on the same scale as the other modules and the ship.
An airlock (for getting outside without depressurizing the ship):
Airlock Module.png

A cargo hold with cargo:
Cargo Hold 1 Module.jpg

A conference room (perfect for the smuggler who wants to call a meeting):
Conference Module.jpg

A hallway/cross-way with equipment (I call it life support, but it could be anything):
Hallway-Life Support Module.png

And what ship would be complete without a big laser cannon turret:
Laser Cannon Module 1.jpg

A medical lab (for those aspiring doctors):
Medical Lab Module.jpg

And lastly, a vehicle bay:
Vehicle Bay.jpg
Sorry I couldn't fit an AT-ST in it.

As with all of these, I originally designed them for the Star Wars universe but they could easily be used for any Sci-Fi setting. Please feel free to comment and/or criticize. And I am always open to suggestions for new modules. One of my players suggested a cloaking device module and we then discussed if you would be able to see the module....