It's been a while since I was on here again. But, with the dawn of a new story comes a new map so. . .

parchment map1 copy.png

This is what I've got so far. I made my own parchment stock and finally figured out how to use it. For once I'm going to take the hand drawn approach and draw all the mountains, forest, ect.

I want some ideas about coloring the map though. It's all pretty much all arctic/snow and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas of how to illustrate that? Or would keeping the parchment color be best? I don't really know. . .

Also, I know the image is rather small but I don't have a clue how to get it any bigger without going over the file size limit (which is, as I understand, 5mb?). Any advice for this would be great too

Critiques and ideas wholly welcome