Quote Originally Posted by Preypacer View Post
Funny enough, I could have done all this way faster in PS since my brain is almost on autopilot in that program after using it for so long. But, I'm glad I'm doing it in GIMP instead and learning as I go; I've wanted to break my "dependence" on PS, and move completely toward GIMP for a while, and this project is helping that along quite nicely.
You use GIMP when you could use PS? Hm... I would love to use PS, with all the options it offers... but the cost is unacceptable for me.

When you say shading the inside, do you mean the dark/thicker borders around the map? I don't actually have any shadowing/shading around the borders in #14. It's just a thick, dark brown line which I actually didn't like.. It kept jumping out at me, overpowering everything else. That's why I went back and re-drew the whole thing in a thinner, cleaner line.
I was referring to the little wavy horizontal lines. You switched from an area shading to a border-only version... and I personally like the earlier version more.