Well, as I realised when posting this - a map of Keel, featured on an insert in this very map - I have failed to keep the topic updated! I do apologise, and I hope no-one minds this double crime of necromancy and attention-seeking across two threads.

I basically finished all I could of this map some months back, and generated a new map in order to divide the galaxy into regions of a sort. The regions don't have any impact on the gameplay, and are really intended as a navigational aid, but as with my map of Keel, it's to help bulk out the lore a bit. That map - Regions of the Known Galaxy - can be viewed here, on my artblog.

As for the map I actually started here: I finished its other half, including the inset feature maps. All that's left is the cartouche, which I hope to smarten up with factional emblems, a title in the style of our undesigned project logo, and so on. Because that is the remit of our artist, I have left this part alone. I hope to finish the map when he's finished designing its inhabitants.

The Known Galaxy (20110504).jpg