I concede! I concede! Attached is the map of the continent of Sylvane where the stories of my upcoming book series takes place. I will admit this map is not as dazzling as many of the master maps I see show-boated on here, but the mere common rabble seems happy with it.

I'm submitting this map to the masters for feedback before it goes to press. Please feel free to pick on it. I'd like to use your observations to make adjustments now. I've attached a low rez preview image for those only interested in taking a glance at it. Unfortunately, this low resolution will grant you little more than a glance at the basic continent shape/map style because the map is HUGE! If you want a better look at it use my high rez map viewer on our website:

If you're willing to dig deeper into the map, I'm also looking for feedback on names. I'm satisfied with 94% of our names, but I'd like to weed out weak or awkward names. Some of the places are quarky, so I may occasional respond with some lore. Also, feel free to let me know if you're heard a name before because I've already had to weed some names unintentionally taken by other fantasy series. Oh, Tolkien how dare you take my Daggerlad... I suppose it was yours first, since you lived generations before me, but still! And really, can anyone keep track of them all?

~J. L.