
A postcard view ...


And a straight bird's eye view. I have to admit this Sketch Up is a powerful tool. Very powerful. Considering I doodled this town up in 2.573 hours, while skyping and chatting around online. Some ageing and textures in photoshop, again. The main thing is that with a 3d town map and separate components things can be added, removed, moved, etc. very easily. The only thing that's ridiculously fiddly is how to make hemispheres and domes ... yuck and yuck.

As you might notice, I haven't bothered to add much detail to the houses, though this wouldn't be too difficult (a bit fiddly and time-consuming, but not too difficult).

Oh, and some story. The town of Mostova was built about 70 years ago by the Dolinars who settled the Valley of Saint Nomme after successfully defeating a host of raiding centaurs that had been pursuing them for many months and "civilizing" the local aboriginal halflings (gypsy dwarfs, they called them). The ancient bridge seemed immune to the ravages of time and a town was built upon it.

What I might do next year: add boats, cranes and ladders.