Greyhawk - Atlas of the Flanaess

Those of you who been active here for a while probably heard of my project to map the Greyhawk campaign world so cherished by old time D&D players. I've been working on if for over ten years and the last year had the great opportunity to work on it almost full time.

I have covered a large part of the area covered in the original campaign map. Half of my work I've done in the last year. This is what I've done so far.


You can download the map in high resolution here:

Its available in two versions a more stylish JPG and a more functional PDF with layers that you can hide for use as players handout etc. All my maps in this project are released under Creative Commons license.

I intend to make a wall map and an atlas and I will make other more detailed close-ups of special parts of the Flanaess later on.

You can download my Road Map - 2012 here:
