I could really use some help. I'm drawing up a map for the opening of a military based fantasy game. This is my first real foray into mapmaking since CC3 was just CC and I'm a PS noob to boot. So it's been a learning experience, but I have a character sheet and significant progress on my overland map under my belt. This map depicts what will be the battleground when the game begins. Clearly, I'm using the hand drawn map style from the Fantasy Cartography with PS tutorials. I'm fairly pleased with the progress, but I'm at a sticking point - the motte and bailey castle that is the centerpiece of the map. I can't seem to get anything down I'm happy with. I've left up my latest area of exploration, a pallisade wall brush I made. Worst case, I'll throw down some block buildings, rebrush the wall until it looks better and call it a day. But I'd like something better, obviously.

So that's my question - how to draw up a motte and bailey castle. And, in this style, what would be a good method for building the elevated earthwork a bailey is typically built on? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Fort Siege Map 2.jpg