Hrm. Not much feedback huh. :c Anyway mussed around with a few different tutorials, namely Tear's Saderan tutorial and Pasis' mountains tutorial. I still am never sure if the mountains look okay. Had a couple of issues with the rivers and I'm not sure if the forests are really to scale. I wanted a few massive forests, namely the one on top of Creid and the one on Ch'asvla. So I basically finished it aside from labeling things like cities (mostly because I don't have the names of all of them yet.) I also don't quite have countries separated and mapped out yet, though I'm starting with an enlarged map of Creid, which is the mainly populated continent. Decided on a brownish tone for the map as well, and some pretty weak map artistry, mostly because my arm is injured.

The continental/regional maps will be done in a hand drawn style rather than this style. Mostly because I feel I can get better landmarks in, what with this world having a floating set of mountains somewhere. (Not depicted in this map)
