First off I want to clarify this by stating I am not a geologist or student of geography, so I don't know much about this topic. That being said, many times when people have posted maps they have been told that their rivers are wrong and that they wouldn't flow this or that way. There seems to be a logic about how rivers should flow. BUT, I was using google maps and looking at the town where I went to school ( Orono, Maine ) and I realized that the rivers there violate some of these "river laws" numerous times.

There may be a logical reason, I don't know, and I'm not trying to start a heated discussion. I'm mainly posting this picture to show that nature doesn't always follow the rules. So perhaps we shouldn't be so quick to tell someone their rivers are wrong.

Anyway, here is the screen capture showing the Penobscot River as it passes thru and around the towns of Orono and Old Town, Maine.

The Red Arrows show the direction of flow as the river heads south to Bangor.

Penobscot River in Maine.jpg