I decided to start a Pathfinder RPG and invite a group of guys to play. It has been very fun creating a history, geography, and story line for the game. Ive been lurking around the guild's website for about a month and decided to jump in.

Using Saderan's Tutorial im attempting my map.

First i created the land mass but then i had problems (and it seems most people do) in placing the mountains. So i tried to go off how plate tectonics works (im a Registered Nurse, not a tectonicologist) but my attempt seemed appropriate.

Without further adieu, i present to you: Corth

Note: I did purchase a Genius Graphics Tablet F610 but it seems so much easier using my mouse. If anyone has some tips for me or a tutorial how to use g-tablets better, please share.

I have not finished cleaning up the continents and coast lines but this is where i am right now.

Corth I.jpg

Corth I - Plate tectonic and Mountain.jpg