Here's a pet project of mine that will probably end up in a book that I have yet to write. I did this some time ago and am just getting back to it (because I have all the time in the world... ha! joke). Moora Cinthe (sometimes referred to as the silver(ware) city, when I'm especially frustrated) is situated on some semi-terraced cliffs (I don't know what to call it) by the ocean, somewhere pleasant.

A virtual tour! Or, well... it's virtually a tour. ;)

The palace is at the top (with a curving ramp connecting it's lower, half-circle portion with the royal garden); and it's not connected to the cliff behind it... is that clear? I know they have a similar curve. The noble quarter is next to that, long and narrow with the canal dividing it from the rest of (or the middle of) the upper city which is well-to-do but with a mercantile aspect. Cross the large bridge over the larger waterfall and you come to the thinner edges, where the foresters (I'm working on the forest), hunters, and animal husbandry folk live, and horses (for breeding, and forestry) are quartered. At the very tip of the cliff there is a large lift (huge, pointed doorway below it) that is used for alternate transport (either going around the whole thing or taking the stairs/ramp) between the upper and lower sections, of people/horses/things. They've also carved out some caverns in behind. Head across the bridge, oh wait, look to the left of it (in front of it) where there'll be a watch tower. Okay, continue across the bridge to the lower city (the spoon, affectionately).

It's got everything a lower city has, plus two large pools and a curving canal between them. I'm thinking of putting another cavern-type thing below the royal section, for a cathedral/religious function, sort of behind the waterfall over there. The upper part of the spoon (also known as the sword or dagger) is military based, so you've got the rest of the horses (for cavalry, and agriculture) stabled there, or just off the point, and the soldiers, and metal smiths, as well. The upper point of the fork is used for pasture and training, the middle point for soldiery and archery, the lower point for crops. You could cross over to the bow, the lower half of the lower city, but it'll be more interesting to walk south, er down. On your way, you can watch the farmers tending the land to your right, but don't fall off the wall when it bends.

Crossing the terrace walls, you'll find the fort, where, in times of siege, it takes a lot of fire from unfriendly ships, or in times of peace, it's converted to a sort of sea market where trade goods are maneuvered through from the docks which will be below. Goods can also be carted directly to the upper city and beyond via the huge, twisting ramp of a carveway that leads to the crescent dam. The carveway entrance to the dam actually tunnels up, or cuts around, to the cliff side above the city, and you walk over the top wall of the dam to reach the city. But you've seen it already, so take a walk up the shore of the waterway. On the left is more farming--crops, and lots of them. Above that is sheep pasture, or maybe not exactly sheep, but sheepish creatures (baaah). Across the water, which is relatively shallow, the outer pastures for the breeding herds of horses stretch around the near edges of the forest, which slopes uphill and extends into the distance to the mountains.

And there you have it. Moora Cinthe.

Moora Cinthe rough chalk web.jpg

Suggestions are welcome.
I know I have to redo the water outlets.
Also been attempting to do a top-view map in ink. So far haven't been able to get the angles right.