So I have been lurking around here all day, and working on this map for my husband for his novel. I finally got to a point on the map that I can be completely proud of, and decided that I LOVE map making! I mean, seriously, I had never even thought about this as a hobby, and I think I just added it to my extensive list of hobbies, haha.

Anyway, this is where I'm at on his map (he gave me permission to post, as long as I omit the names of cities and such.Nate's Map.jpg

He designed the original sketch, and I just took it from there and digitized it, hehe.

I used Gidde's tutorial.

I am working on my own map (in my head) of my own novel, and I learned a LOT by working on my husband's lol. I am definitely going to learn a lot about climatology before jumping into my own map.

Sorry if the image is too big, btw. Still learning the ropes around here! Just let me know if it is, and I'll fix it pronto.