Quote Originally Posted by arsheesh View Post
Looking good JT, nice job adapting Larb's tutorial. I look forward to seeing this completed.

Thanks my friend. Larb made it VERY easy to adapt this to GIMP.

I've been spending quite a bit of time lately reading my old notes about the Kingdom of Shendenflar. Remember this setting is over 25 years in the making and many many things have changed over those years. I discovered that I had only written a little "blurb" originally about Southrun (the town was actually detailed by my GM for our campaign even though it was my setting) One of the things I had written explained how the Caravans stopped in Southrun to either unload their cargo for transport by ferry across the river to Riverhewn or to let their animals rest. I had described a large fenced in area that was used for this purpose. Also I had quickly described some warehouses that were used to hold merchandise before it was shipped across the river. Southrun was a little bigger in the early days of the Kingdom but there was also no Northrun to hold the large sawmill complex that is there now. I decided to revise my map of Southrun to show the warehouses and the animal resting/staging area. As always feedback is requested and appreciated.
