First, I want to thank the many threads I've seen so far. I've picked up several tips and learned quite a bit. I've been using Autorealm and was originally going for a Sepia-toned map, but I've ben impressed by the faded, low-saturation maps and am changing towards that. I've included below my map from before joining and afterward, to show initial progress. Autorealm starts lagging with too many objects, so I've cut out the trees at the moment; I'm also starting the "less is better" method and thinning out some of the mountains and hills. My plan was to have it outlined and general features put in and save to .bmp and use GIMP to edit it, but I've found some major limitations to Autorealm and may need to just work in GIMP. Anything you've got for comments, I'll appreciate.

Before joining:
Pre CG RPG.png

After joining