The World - Refuge.BMP

Hello All. I'm starting on a campaign world called refuge. For my top level view, I want to use a satellite style (CC3), and plan on a fantasy map style for my continent/region/nation views. I am only just beginning, but wanted to chronical early so that I can ask questions and get some helpful hints.

So, I'm just trying to get the feel for things before I really go hard on this. I've figured I want a traditional N/S pole. Refuge is a bit warmer than earth. I'm a bit color blind, so please excuse if I ask a bunch of silly questions about whether or not things look differentiated enough. Ok, on to advice I would like to ask.

Is my continental shelf light enough, or is it a bit dark?? I plan to have several levels.

Does the lightness of a land item the same as a water countour and light is higher??

Does it look normal to have two different ice colors or would it be better to just use one?

Thanks in advance. The resolution isn't the greatest, but I can always dial it up if need.