It's been a while since I've had the chance to flex my creative cartography muscles and share ideas with the guild, but I've been working on a project I think might be interesting for some of you.

Last year I began running the Kingmaker Pathfinder Adventure Path. But rather than use the world setting of Golarion I decided instead to incorporate and modify the campaign to exist within a game world I created myself a while back for my players. I initially wanted to find a region within my world that would suit the plot of the adventure path, but ended up modifying that a bit as well, but I am posting here to talk mainly about the cartography work I've been doing. If you would like to follow the campaign, I have it on Obsidian Portal HERE.

Now to the maps.

First off, the Region. I created this map a few years ago. It is pretty simple, and I still like it, but I'd like to think I've gotten a bit better since.
Map - Kor.jpg