Kadon Ry'mer stood on the balcony of his apartments high atop the Black Tower of the Fortress of the Sun. He surveyed the city below him and the open land beyond the high grey wall. These were his lands. This was his city. He was standing atop his tower in his fortress. Damn the Old Queen and her pretensions to power. She may sit upon the Diamond Throne and her bloodline may be traced back nearly a millennium but it was his family that bent the land and it's people to her will. His Blackguard caused fear where ever they rode, reminding the Old Queen's subjects just who was in control....

Because I wanted to do something. I decided that I would do another one of my "texture heavy" regional maps. This one expands on the theme of my Assiria: The Land of Hope map that I did last year. This map depicts the "Ancient Empire" of the Old Queen and her consort. This map like the earlier one started as a random shape onto which I added a variety of textures and effects. I am working on the rivers now and then I will label this extensively as it depicts a very established area of great age. As always feedback is requested and appreciated.

Elleroria The Old Empire.jpg