Alright, I think I've got something like the beginning of a project here.

Welcome to Red Rock Bay, an idyllic little location where a river meets the sea. In terms of natural features, the area is complete, and this would be the unspoiled wilderness as it looks now. My plan going forward is to imagine that a group of settlers moves in, and start building up the town as they would. We'll see how that goes.

### LATEST WIP ###

I feel like I should note that this map denotes a bit of a stylistic departure for me; up till now I've only done the more artistic/abstract maps with 'hand drawn' trees, mountians, and the like. For this map I'm going to be doing a straight top-down view, with what hopefully is a more realistic feel overall. I'm largely changing formats because this is also the first city-scale map I've done, and I just don't see the artistic style working out in this context.

I have what, a week? PLENTY OF TIME!!!