I absolutely love the look of vorropohaiah's maps, especially this one: http://www.cartographersguild.com/ca...ropohaiah.html, so I decided to use a similar style for a map of my own. If mine looks one-tenth as good, I'll be happy.

Here is what I have so far:

I started with a hand-drawn map, which I scanned and used as a tracing template in GIMP. I am mostly happy with the coastline, but I may tweak some of the river systems. I am not sure how I feel about the colors either; maybe I will go with a more washed-out look for the water.

The next step is mountains, hills, forests, etc. I plan to use hand-drawn brushes, either my own or existing ones. I have been sort of following Gidde's Hand-Drawn Map Tutorial, and will probably do something similar for this next step.