Idumæ Dtål Tarra.jpg

Ok, so this is a map that I have been working on for my Fantasy Setting for a VERY long time (about 5years now, could never really get it to look or function the way I wanted it too).

The name of the world is Idumæ Dtål Tarra.

Culturaly, it has alot of the elements of earth culture, religion, ethnocentric points of view and governmental systems from the classical and medieval eras of human history.

The world itself is about 25K miles in diameter.

It has a Four year seasonal cycle, 2 suns/ 1 Blue, 1 Red (the colors a slight tints and hardley noticeable; but it does play into the climate as the red is not as hot as the blue)
The planet itself is not on an axial tilt, thus the seasons come from the gradual eclipsing of the two Suns (when both are present, it is a mild season (autumn or spring) when only the red one is present it is winter, and the blue eclipsing the red, the blue is a tad smaller but hotter and closer at the point, it is a summer. The rotation of the stars in the middle of the solar system in all is a 4 year cycle, making seasons last about 9 months to a Year and a half (summers and winters a little longer than the spring and fall seasons).

The worlds overall climate is temperate with rain forests in the more northern and southern parts of the world and savahna and deserts near the equator (also trying to account for mountain shadow effect as well).

The primary (Larger) continent is Dtrinæistiir. Houses standard Indo/European cultures as well as north african, aryan and semetic cultures. The smaller continent (in the east) is Xiadia, it houses the far east cultures (before the Buddist influences from India).

The southern continent Yulrim Tamos, its completely freezes over whith Ice and Snow in the winter, but is a vibrant boreal forest in the summer.

The Small Subcontinent between Dtrinæistiir and Xiadia in the northern hemisphere is Årkhesh. It is home to the Årkh Ünn (commonly reffered to as orks and ogres/depending on breed, by Humanity). The small island at the northrn pole, which, like Yulrim Tamos, freezes completely over in the winter, but in the summer it is a barren waste.

I have names for all of the mountain ranges (as well as specific peaks), prominent rivers/river systems, small and large islands, cultural groups, nations, religions, deities, a full beastiary as well as complete magic systems.

The one thing I am lacking at this point, is a good looking satellite version of the map, just not sure I want to spend the next 5 years working on it