Well, this is my third and for the first period last map attempt within my DSA (german roleplaying system) campaign.

There´s a small village deep in the woods at a bigger lake, but in the last weeks there were dramatic changes:
- a big worker camp made out of tents and several new houses was built up
- lots of trees where used as building material
- the two hills nearby are under heavy construction: in one of them the workers are digging deep - perhaps to find some gold or even more expensive metals?
- the other hill seems to be used as a place for a huge castle - allthough there´s nothing more to see than some preparations at the foundation


I love editing CD3 maps in PS afterwards - imho the points to do:
- rework the mine if possible (no idea to do better yet)
- rework the shadows of the hills (i´m just trial & error it out how to do it well)