Quick & Dirty Map Tutorial #8: Buttes, Mesas and Desert Terrain

As always no screen shots, nor detailed tool explanations - just quick and dirty!

Note: this tutorial was created based on request on the Google+ Maps for Sharing community. Someone asked how to create a single map object with two different bevels in the same image, which is kind of problematic.

Also based on a suggestion, I'm seriously thinking of dressing up these tutorials, placing only 3 sequential map steps per page (thus 3 pages per tutorial), include 3 sample maps for each tutorial showing other uses of same tutorial, with a total of 25 tutorials, then credits, introduction, discussion of which software to use with tutorials, resources for textures, a couple pages dedicated to mention of the Cartographers' Guild, and an about the author/cartographer. Roughly 250 pages then published as both a PDF and print book. Thoughts?

Here's the tutorial...
