I apologize ahead of time if this is the wrong place to post something like this! Please let me know if I should have posted this somewhere else.

So, I'm doing a map for a MUX (Multi User Experience - a role playing text environment) that is based on a book series called Kushiel's Debut. It's not been requested of me, but I'd like to do something pretty, since I play there and truly enjoy it. So, the series itself has a map already:


Though I'm not entirely sure this particular map is from the books themselves, but it's what's used, or a version of it.

Now comes to the part I need help on! I'd love to make mine more specialer (yes, specialer is a word in my world). So far I've made the outline:


What I would really love is some vine-like boarder around, where the lighter green border is? I can't seem to find a mix of vine-like and masculine, though hopefully that's not too vague.

If anyone has any ideas I would really, really love to hear them!

Thank you!! <3