Hi All,

First-time poster here, and I LOVE this site! I've been a super-casual user of CC3 and DD3 for about a year now, having only really used it as a "toy" when I'm bored. That being said, I'm going to be starting up a new 13th age campaign and need some help with dungeon mapping.

Last year, I found a great set of mapping tutorials from Dr. Zeuss. One of his sample maps is attached. I'd love to be able to replicate this style of map in DD3, in particular, the "cut-in" type of dungeon room with the bezelled/outlined walls. Any ideas on how I can do something similar in CC3? I've been playing with Wall Effects (bezel, inner glow, etc.), and can't even get close.


2013-06-28 14_41_33-Map Gallery - DrZeuss.png