This is the first map i ever managed to get through from start to finish. It is heavily based on Gidde's hand drawn maps for the artistically challenged. I finished this map quite awhile ago for a self made D&D campaign but never got around to posting it no nation lines are present as wiht the worlds lore they are constantly in flux from wars and appeasement between countries.
The main continent seen is that of Rentalos named for the numerous wars that divided a once unified land. Centuries of wars and deceit has led to strongly isolated nations each based around a major race. The continent to the west has long isolated itself from those in Rentalos having no contact except for a few costal cities where trade is allowed. The continent has banned any immigrants so as to reduce contact with those of a violent nature. To the south in the forests lie the elves isolated from all races except for the Dwarves in the nearby mountains who act as a buffer allowing none to pass into the lands of the elves. In the middle of the continent resides two separate human nations one to the west Taerdas based firmly in the devotion to the God Pelor. Those to the east Kemena venerate the god Erythnul leading them to be at high tensions as raids push them into the lands of Taer. Further up the the continent resides the land of the Orcs having pushed heavily upon the borders of the Kemen they now reside in the burning plains harassing the humans as often as possible. What lies beyond the lands of the orcs is unknown to those that live in Rentalos and from the they way the orcs pressure the Kemen the though brings fear to the bravest of souls.
Comments and critiques would be much appreciated
Thank you jimmydean