Hello all!

Back to my Ars Magica campaign, I remarked that the map that I made was riddled with historical imperfections and anachronisms. So back to my books, a few months of reading, and now I'm back to a (hopefully better) map. I took a larger setting, that of the old Pletevaia County (composed of Tregor, Goello and Penteur).
This is the beginning of the GM map (and perhaps just a draft). A second map will follow, for the players.
The GM map should be full of informations and details (but still readable), and in a simple style, while the player's map will be a copy of a monastery's map, with all its imprecisions and illegible latin writing, and in full medieval style (if I can).
So for now, I'm drawing the GM map, which should be easier...

The basic informations: coast, rivers, places, are in place, and the details and embellishments are left. I'm posting now because I'm not sure in what direction to go. I'll have at least the terrain to draw (hills and mountains, not that there's a lot of them in this place, except a bit in the south...). So I'm asking you guys for ideas: style and details that I might add.

I'll have a compass design to find, too...

Well, here it is:


Sorry about the rift in the middle, I do not have the equipment to numerize an A3 paper at home... It will have to wait the finished product.
